Monday, December 21, 2015


At the December meeting the CCA Board of Education approved the following calendar for 2016-2017.  Spring break was the primary topic of discussion.  After reviewing the data from the survey of parents and staff, the calendar was approved with a full week of spring break.  We do request that staff and families make their best efforts to plan trips over the break time.  The Board also expressed their intent to utilize this calendar template in coming years.

Every Student Succeeds Act

As you may be aware, Congress recently reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.  No Child Left Behind has now become the Every Student Succeeds Act.  The primary "change" with this legislation is returning control to the State level.  A presentation from the Iowa Department of Education is attached.  Essentially, schools will be living under the No Child Left Behind Act for one more school year, 2016-1017, as the State transitions to the Every Student Succeeds Act.
