Monday, November 14, 2016

Smarter Balanced Assessment

As you are likely aware, Iowa is switching to a new mandatory assessment. Schools had been utilizing the Iowa Assessments and will be required to utilize the Smarter Balanced Assessments in 2017-2018 for Reading and Mathematics. CCA is still exploring how the interim assessments will be utilized in our district. Currently students are administered the iReady assessment in much the same way that the Smarter Balanced interim assessments are intended to be used. We will be studying both assessments and implementing a plan that best informs our teachers regarding student learning needs.

Attached is an FAQ from the Iowa Department of Education.


Tim Kuehl

Monday, October 17, 2016

Facilities Committee Recommendation

This presentation, link, was shared with the CCA Board of Education at their September meeting. The Board had preliminary discussion at their retreat on October 12th. They will discuss further at their meeting on October 19th and have invited Facilities Committee members to attend the work session in December.

Tim Kuehl

Friday, September 9, 2016

Public Forum - Facilities 9-8-16

CCA held a public forum to collect input on future facilities projects on 9-8-16. The Facilities Committee is meeting again on 9-13-16 to analyze the data and formulate a recommendation(s) for the Board of Education. Below are links to materials shared at the forum and a survey where you can submit your opinions. The link will close on Monday evening in order to have the data ready for the committee on Tuesday. Please take some time to read the materials and complete the survey, share with your CCA friends and neighbors, we'd like as much feedback as possible in putting the recommendation together.

Tim Kuehl




Friday, September 2, 2016

Public Forum

Reminder: Facilities Public Forum on September 8th, 2016 at 6:30pm in the Performing Arts Center at CCAHS. The meeting will begin with an overview of the process and background information for patrons. We will then break into groups to gather insight and feedback from attendees.  Attendees will be asked to complete an exit survey.  Data from the survey will be utilized by the Facilities Committee at their next meeting in formulating a recommendation to the Board of Education.

A few things you should be aware of:

  • The proposal must stay within $25 million.
  • The proposal must account for over population at North Bend and Tiffin Elementary Schools.
  • If additional pods are selected the district would need to add a 600 sq/ft addition on to each lunch room in order to maintain having 3 lunch periods in those buildings. Without the addition we would have students eating lunch very early/very late.
  • The high school will be reaching its capacity of 900 students in 2021, not having the final addition as part of this recommendation would likely leave them overcrowded for a few years.
  • The options presented are NOT meant as a pick one or the other. They are two samples that emerged through conversation with the Facilities Committee. The final recommendation could be any combination of projects.
Hopefully, we'll have a great turnout on September 8th. We believe that more input will lead to the best possible solution to the challenge of growing enrollment faced by CCA.


Tim Kuehl

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 4, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Attendance: Tim Kuehl, Aimee Pitlick, Michelle Emmel, Eugene Charbon, Jenny Rempt, Shawna Colvin, Jacci Brandt, Phil Larson (representing Shive-Hattery), Jason Drake, Carol Preston, Brad Hill, Jamie Bormann, Angie Rummel, Les Baumbach, Jay Allen, Malinda Lamb, Dan Dvorak, RSP and Associates (Rob Schwartz, David Stoakes, Clay Guthmiller).

The presentation has needed information regarding projected enrollment and bonding capacity.

Presentation: Link

On September 8 at 6:30 pm there will be a public forum at CCA HS. The meeting will begin with a short presentation in the Performing Arts Center, to be followed by input gathering in the lunchroom area.  Please invite any and all interested patrons to this meeting.

One of the critical decisions that the district will be making is how best to accommodate the increased enrollment at the elementary level. Is it through a new building, or via additions to existing buildings? There will also be discussion around prioritizing a variety of other district needs.

Below are options that surfaced from the facilities committee. A final plan doesn't necessarily have to be one or the other, but could be some combination of the priorities demonstrated in these plans.

Key facts:

  • Must stay within $25 million.
  • NBE will be over instructional capacity in 17-18, with TE soon to follow.
  • Timing of high school passing 900 students and bonding timelines dictate that the final addition to the high school should likely be on this bond.


Tim Kuehl

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Facilities Committee Meeting, August 4th, 2016

Attendance:  Les Baumbach, Tammy Nelson, Michelle Emmel, Jacci Brandt, Jenny Rempt, Aaron Granquist, Brad Hill, Jamie Bormann, Mike McCue, Carol Preston, Eugene Charbon

Presentation: Link

The next meeting of the facilities committee is on August 18th at 5:30 pm in the High School Library. The public forum will be on September 8th at 6:30 pm in the High School. Please encourage CCA patrons to come and share their input.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Facilities Committee, June 23, 2016

Committee Members in attendance: Michelle Emmel, Jay Allen, Shawna Colvin, Eugene Charbon, Carol Preston, Les Baumbach, Angie Rummel, Jenny Rempt, Frank Descourouez, Brad Hill, Jacci Brandt, Jessi Drake, Sarah Betlach, Lisa Socwell, and Aaron Granquist.

Monday, June 13, 2016

June 9, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

The facilities committee met on Thursday, June 9 at 5:30 pm in the CCA HS Library. RSP facilitated the discussion. The worked focused on setting academic expectations for the district, as well as information regarding district finances. The next meeting is at 5:30 pm on June 23rd and will involve touring the district facilities.

In attendance were:

Rob Schwarz, Dave Stoakes, Clay Guthmiller, Tim Kuehl, Jessi Drake, Carol Preston, Michelle Emmel, Les Baumbach, Jacci Brandt, Jenny Rempt, Brad Hill, Jamie Bormann, Malinda Lamb, Sarah Betlach, Stephanie Surine, Key Kain, Lisa Socwell, Shawna Colvin, Dan Dvorak, Mike McCue, and Tammy Nelson.

Final Presentation - with data

RSP Presentation

Finance Presentation

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May 26, 2016 Facilities Committee Meeting

Representatives from RSP and Associates, Rob Schwarz, Dave Stoakes, and Clay Guthmiller, facilitated the first meeting of the Facilities Committee on May 26.

In attendance were:
Lisa Socwell, Jennifer Downes, Jessi Drake, Carol Preston, Jamie Bormann, Les Baumbach, Jacci Brandt, Jay Allen, Gene Charbon, Michelle Emmel, Angie Rummel, Tammy Nelson, Shawna Colvin, and Dan Dvorak.

Committee Members unable to attend include:
Malinda Lamb, Gwen Henderson, Aimee Pitlick, Kate Timmerman, Jennifer Montgomery, Key Kain, Aaron Granquist, Brad Hill, Mark Van Handel, Sarah Betlach, Bryan Rempt, and Bev Seelman.

The Committee will next meet on June 9 and June 23.

Presentation From 5-26-16

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Facilities Planning Committee

Clear Creek Amana will once again be working with RSP & Associates this summer. We will have a group of community members working to prepare a recommendation to the Board of Education regarding future facilities. CCA's enrollment is projected to grow to approximately 3,000 students, gain of 800 students, over the next five years. This group will meet beginning on May 26 and conclude in September with a public forum and presentation to the Board. Please review the following schedule.

If you are interested in committing to being a part of the facilities committee, please contact Carol Hopp at the district office, 319-828-4510 or


Tim Kuehl