Monday, September 14, 2015

CCA Hall of Fame Nominations

Clear Creek Amana Hall of Fame Nominations

The Clear Creek Amana Foundation Board is seeking nominations for the 2015 Hall of Fame award.  Application letters are due by October 1, 2015 and should include at the minimum the following information:  a) Name of nominee, b) Address of nominee, c)  Year (if known) and school graduated from, d) Whether person is deceased, e) Why should this person be considered for this honor - provide as many details as possible (years of service, what was the service, offices held, etc.), f) Letter signed by nominator with address and phone number if questions.

The Hall of Fame was created in 2001 and honors those individuals who have made significant and lasting contributions to our district and community.  Questions can be answered by Bev Seelman, Foundation Board Member, 319/626-6155 or  All nominations must be in writing and received by October 1, 2015 to

Hall of Fame winners will be announced during Clear Creek Amana’s Parent’s Night football festivities on October 23, 2015.

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